The By-laws

The HOUSING by-laws will be applied equitably as the society’s principles are based on the belief of equality. All members of KENTOURS HOUSING will receive equal treatment and attention. By-laws while conforming to the prevailing Co-operative legislation will be reviewed from time to time in order to reflect the changing desires of our members.

Extract from Society's By-laws

Membership: Membership application shall be on the prescribed form. On acceptance the new member will pay a non-refundable Kshs. 2,000.00 as entrance fee.

Next of Kin: Every member shall nominate in writing person(s) to whom on his death Shares deposits or any other interest shall be transferred. A member can change nominees through a written notice to the society.

Cessation: Membership in the society shall cease on death, on membership expulsion, membership withdrawal (resignation) or becoming insane, or failure to settle the minimum share capital contribution within the stipulated period.

Under no circumstances shall members’ shares be refundable. Shares may be transferred only between members of the society. No transfer shall be valid until registered by the society. A fee of Kenya shillings one thousand (Ksh. 1,000), or as shall be amended from time to time by the management committee, shall be paid by the transferee to the reserve fund or the society for every such transfer.

Members shall earn dividend on shares at a rate recommended by the management committee and approved by the annual general meeting.


1. Provide an opportunity for each of its members to improve their respective economic and social conditions through continuous education programs on proper use of credit, reduction of poverty, human dignity and co-operation.

2. Acquire and relinquish lands, buildings and rights over land and buildings by purchase, lease or any other means as may be necessary for the attainment of these objects.

3. Employ architect, builders, contractors, issue plans negotiate and contract for services for light and power, water drainage, roads, and generally do all such things as are necessary and customary for the acquisition of land and its development for housing purposes.

4. Enter into contracts with members for the sale or lease of land and building acquired by the society in pursuance of its objects on such terms and conditions as may from time to time be determined.

5. Acquire supplies of building and similar materials and machinery of all kinds including household furniture and equipment for use in building or for sale or hire to members.

6. Ensure safety and soundness of the members’ funds through risk management program or any other appropriate insurance scheme.

7. To lease, or otherwise dispose of the, building and other property of the society.

8. To purchase, take on lease or in exchange, hire or otherwise acquire any movable or immovable property of any kind which the Management Committee may think necessary or convenient for the purposes of or in connection with Society’s business or which may enhance the value of any other property of the society.

8. Provide an opportunity for each of its members to improve their respective economic and social conditions through continuous education programs on proper use of credit, reduction of poverty, human dignity and co-operation.

9. Acquire and relinquish lands, buildings and rights over land and buildings by purchase, lease or any other means as may be necessary for the attainment of these objects.

10. Employ architect, builders, contractors, issue plans negotiate and contract for services for light and power, water drainage, roads, and generally do all such things as are necessary and customary for the acquisition of land and its development for housing purposes.

11. Enter into contracts with members for the sale or lease of land and building acquired by the society in pursuance of its objects on such terms and conditions as may from time to time be determined.

12. Acquire supplies of building and similar materials and machinery of all kinds including household furniture and equipment for use in building or for sale or hire to members.

13. Ensure safety and soundness of the members’ funds through risk management program or any other appropriate insurance scheme.

14. To lease, or otherwise dispose of the, building and other property of the society.

15. To purchase, take on lease or in exchange, hire or otherwise acquire any movable or immovable property of any kind which the Management Committee may think necessary or convenient for the purposes of or in connection with Society’s business or which may enhance the value of any other property of the society.

16. To pay out of the funds of the society all expenses which the society may lawfully pay for or in connection with the formation and registration of the society.

17. To borrow money or receive money on deposit either with or without security or secured by debentures, mortgages or other security charged on the undertaking or on all or any of the assets of the society.

18. To apply the co-operative principle of cooperation among cooperatives in order to promote members’ interests and in furtherance to the objects of the society affiliate to the relevant Apex Bodies.

19. Perform within the relevant law (The Act, the Rules) and these By-laws, all those acts, deeds and things necessary to further enhance, promote or encourage any or all of the foregoing purposes and objects provided that such acts, deed and things are approved by the Annual General Meeting.

Our Principles

Voluntary and open membership

The society shall always be guided by the principle of voluntary and open membership in its member recruitment drive without political, religious, gender or social discrimination.

Democratic member control

The society will be fully controlled by members who will have equal voting rights on the basis of one member one vote.

Economic participation by member

Members shall contribute equitably to the capital of the society and share in the results of its operations.

Autonomy and independence

The society shall operate on mutually acceptable terms with its stakeholders who will ensure its autonomy and independence.

Education, training and information

The society shall foster reciprocal, on – going education programs for members, leaders, staff and the community so that they can teach and learn from each other or from the appropriate resource persons in understanding and carrying out their respective roles.

Co-operation among co-operatives

In order to better serve the interests of the members and the community, the society shall actively co-operate with other co-operatives locally, regionally, nationally and internationally.

Concern for community in General

The society shall show concern to the community in which it exists and operates.